Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I flopped...but I will succeed.

I utterly and completely flopped! My goal was to give up sweets for 30 days and after 3 days I succumbed to a vegan red velvet cupcake. The cupcake looked at me, winked, and said, "Eat me!" So what did I do, listen and eat it. Shame on me, but the sweetness was bliss. If that wasn't the worst part, my teaching assistant brought me a Coke Zero! Are you kidding me? It stared me down all day at work. I brought it home and put it in the fridge. Forgot about it and when I opened the fridge.....WHAM! A beautiful cold Coke Zero. This time it extended it's hand and said just one sip. Like an alcoholic with a drink of Jack Daniels, one sip became one guzzle. After my one guzzle the mentality of oh well, I failed set in, I continued to chug it like a frat boy drinking beer. It was gone and before I knew it the 20oz bottle of Coke Zero was swishing in my stomach like the Pacific Ocean. I got a high five from the bottle and a slap on my ass for giving in to temptation.

I decided that going cold turkey did not agree with me. There is a reason why I am eating these sweets and soda, I need to find that reason. Number #35 on my list was to read "Crazy Sexy Diet" by Kris Carr. Great book and lots of insight, finished it in a couple days. In the book there is a 21 day cleanse. This process isn't just about the eating but dealing with the emotional part of eating as well. After reading this book there are things I'd like to explore, and things I think are just not me. I don't think I'll ever eat 100% raw vegan, but I'm all for nixing sugar for 21 days and doing it in a healthier format than cold turkey. I'm hardcore, but right now between teaching an autism class and trying to quit sweets and soda I need guidance. This book provided that for me and as of Monday July 18th, 2011 I am starting my cleanse. I am going to start with a free mind, free spirit, and a new perspective on myself. I'm very mean to myself and deserve a little kindness. I'm not where I want to be physically AND emotionally and I think this cleanse will help.

Three cheers for sweet revenge on sugar and Coke Zero! As of Monday the 18th of July 2011 I will be embarking on my journey to cleanse my mind, body, and spirit. I will succeed!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

101 things to do....

I've been wanting to start a blog for what seems like ages. I started following a great fellow Vegan on Twitter @VeganliciousLJ and learned about a project, Day Zero. Well this project requires that I make a list of 101 things to complete in 1001 days. First on my list was to start a blog. Here I am. Writing a blog seems easy enough, but I'm finding it may not be.

Of course, me being an overachiever I decided that I would tackle a few things on my list at once. Not only is starting a blog thing 1 to do on my list; I'm giving up diet soda and sweets for 30 days too. Let me tell you this blog is easy compared to these two goals. I first and foremost am a lover of sweets. There truly must be sugar running through my veins 24/7. Diet Soda is my other weakness since I started losing weight over nine years ago.

Day 1 of my 30 day challenge was yesterday, so far so good. Day 2 was today and I stared down a Coke Zero can as if it was John Wayne and we were heading to a showdown. I had to tell myself it's 30 days and I'll be better off in the long run. I continued on to my Hot Pilates class convincing myself this diet soda story was true. Proceeding my showdown with the Coke Zero over and hour later I looked at my calendar and counted off exactly 30 days. Not for the soda, but for the SWEETS!!! I'm already planning what I can have in 30 days and I'm only on Day 2. Lord help me!

I hope to report more on my adventures tomorrow...wish me luck. A few Hershey Kisses are on the table dancing enviously at me and we may have another showdown tonight.